The Framed 2.0 Technology Creates Living Art

FramedJuly has been an exciting month for the world of digital art display. For starters, American startup Electric Objects launched its EO1 picture frame on Kickstarter two weeks ago and has since met its $25,000 crowdfunding goal more than twenty times over. This week, Japanese artist and designer Yugo Nakamura (along with business associate William Lai) launched a Kickstarter campaign through their company FMR to fund the “Framed 2.0”, which doubled the $75,000 its campaign asked for in under 48 hours. So why is everyone clamoring to get their hands on one of these?

Framed1While the initial concept of Framed was little more than a smartphone-controlled screen with a PC behind it, their new connected frame offers so much more than just wall art. The Framed 2.0 can showcase both static and moving artwork on its display, running the visual gamut from classic works of art to Tumblr GIFs and Flash animation. Not only can the frame be controlled by the accompanying Smartphone app, but it also allows for voice- and gesture-control. The display has a 180-degree viewing angle, integrated Wi-Fi, full 1080p display, a 720p front-facing camera, and can show 16.7 million colors. And just for good measure, stereo speaker outputs and a mono microphone input come standard with the 2.0.

Framed2The frame itself isn’t the only thing that got a makeover in the Framed 2.0 version. The companion smartphone app does so much more than its predecessor, starting with the Framed Store. FMR, with the support of several prominent artists, hopes to help digital artists monetize their creations by allowing consumers to buy and swap art directly through the app. As you probably would have guessed, the smartphone app also allows for your standard setting and display control, but adds a little more personalization this time around. Framed 2.0 users will be able to “schedule” certain pieces to appear in a certain time frame, meaning you can tailor your ever-changing wall art to whatever theme you desire at that time - be it a Romantic date, family-themed photos for the holidays or inspiring images during business hours.

Framed 2.0 is currently offering three different sizes and price tiers for those interested. The first 250 backers can take home a 24-inch model for only $399, while the next size up boasts a stunning 40-inch display priced at $1,500 (both prices represent special prices for Kickstarter early birds; at the time of publication both limited tiers were still available). For super-enthusiasts, there is a “super-limited” 55-inch model which will set you back to the tune of $10,000, but also includes dinner with the design team of the Framed 2.0 in Tokyo. Coughing up the extra money could also get you your very own Framed 2.0 ahead of the common folk; the company announced that while the majority of its frames will ship sometime in early 2015, higher-tiered purchases are slated to be delivered starting in November of this year.

Topics: Technology News Display Screen Technology Gadgets & Peripherals Inventions & Innovations

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