Sonder Could Be Lucky Enough to Have Apple on Board With Its New Customizable E-Ink Keyboard

SonderKeyboard2Magic keyboards? What could be magical about a keyboard, besides the fact that it’s the portal that has, and continues to, create countless codes, letters, columns, books, and anything else creative you could think of? Apple could reportedly be “in on” this magical keyboard project, in conjunction with the creator, Sydney tech company, Sonder. The news first came from a rumor more than anything, where a Reddit user professed that she used the Apple prototype, and that it did in fact use Sonder technology. Then, after chief executives at Sonder “may or may have not” (not all sources agree) given more confirmation of the keyboard’s link with Apple, naturally, the news became even more intriguing.

The prototype device, this “magical keyboard” as we call it, incorporates “dynamic keyboard technology” to create performance and design in each key- all by utilizing E-ink display, that same E-Ink display used by Kindle. We know folks love E-ink, so what could it do for keyboards? That’s definitely not a hard question to answer. What the Australian startup has been pioneering is as versatile as you could imagine. The keyboard is able to customize itself to accommodate any language, shortcut or custom icon, featuring transparent keys and a bespoke display. The Sonder website details the almost beautiful image, showing its front lighting through an advanced fiber optic waveguide.

SonderKeyboard1When Sonder said customizable, Sonder meant it. It’s the only keyboard meant to do and “be” exactly what you want it to. From QWERTY to DVORAK, to any language, a made up language, a made up command, or anything else that can come from your imagination, this device is made for creativity. As far as Apple’s integration, the company’s Procurement board office does in fact discuss this as a “prototype”, and that the design discussed via Reddit (although possibly far from confirmed), could be by reason of their optimism of the early unit.

Apple’s reputation of making huge leaps in technology usually tend to seem wild and unconventional at first, but somehow soon become standard. True, isn't it, if you consider the iPod + iTunes, the iPhone; the “dorky” then chic iPad? Still, these links with Apple are far from confirmed, and those procurement contracts also include Foxconn (which apparently helped Sonder get off their feet), and of course, E-Ink. All who are aiding in the birth of this new keyboard from Sonder are helping the process along, and that’s all that matters, because we wanna see this thing in real life, like now! However, sources project such a lively keyboard as this to be a 2017 type of release.

Topics: Technology News Apple Gadgets & Peripherals Inventions & Innovations

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